About RwD

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So far RwD has created 246 blog entries.

Zechariah 6

I was asked a question about Zechariah 6. Here’s what God lead me to…

Are you referring to “Zechariah 6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD:
Zechariah 6:13 Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”??

If so, the BRANCH is the question. Who is that?

Notice a few verses that can be directly applied to Jesus:

Isaiah 11:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
Isaiah 11:2 And […]

Zechariah 62016-10-12T22:30:14-07:00

Did Jesus Need Grace?

Hello ……………..,

You said, “Hello pastor, My name is …………….. and i am writting to ask for clarification on some verses i have had trouble understanding. The verses speak about Grace and they are as follows.
(Luk 2:40) And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.
(Joh 1:14) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

My question is did Jesus need Grace ? And is the Grace spoken of in the above verses similar to that which the apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians ? (Eph 2:8) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that […]

Did Jesus Need Grace?2016-10-12T22:30:16-07:00

Short Videos while at Secrets Unsealed

Cracking the Genesis Code Promo

ANCHOR School of Theology Commercial

What’s Up with Time Magazine

The Pope Threatens to Punch

A Conference on Family and Marriage

Video Response to a Magazine

Women’s Ordination Symposium Playlist – Bakersfield, CA

Pope Mission Video

Philly Video Update

Hand Drawn Video Response

Worship at Satan’s Throne Promo

Secrets of Pentecost Intro

WO Intro

Short Videos while at Secrets Unsealed2019-04-30T21:27:01-07:00

Priesthood of All Believers

Hello ______________,

The text comes from 1 Peter 2:5-10:

1Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

1Peter 2:6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.

1Peter 2:7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,

1Peter 2:8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

Priesthood of All Believers2016-10-12T22:30:16-07:00

Churches, Seals, and Trumpets All Historic

ChurchThank you for asking about how the seven churches of Revelation 2-3 can be part of the historic view of the Christian faith starting with the time of Christ and going through to the second coming of Christ. I’ll just say that I’ll be part of this conversation, not the final answer.

There are three sevens in the sequences of the churches, seals and trumpets:

  • 7 Churches
  • 7 Seals
  • 7 Trumpets

There are pictures of Christ in ministry before each of the sevens:

  • Chapter 1 has a picture of Christ followed by 7 churches.
  • Chapters 4-5 have a picture of Christ followed by 7 seals.
  • Chapter 8 has a picture of Christ followed by 7 trumpets.

Churches, Seals, and Trumpets All Historic2017-02-08T21:50:38-08:00

Symbolism Matters

This message was presented at a 21 part symposium at the Secrets Unsealed studio, 2014.

Symbolism Matters2019-04-30T22:27:22-07:00

WO Testimony

I have been so blessed by watching the messages on YouTube from the Women’s Ordination Symposium. After watching Julie Mesa’s presentation, I wanted to share a testimony with you regarding my experience in the career lane and as a mother.

I entered Medical School at the age of 35 because it seemed I was not going to ever have a family. I found that doing medical missionary work was my way of sharing my maternal nurturing as well as giving the gospel message. However, I married during school and had my first and only child. It was all I could do to finish school while I had a child at home (or at a sitter’s). I noticed that the majority of staff in the hospital were women, with children at home. I would ask myself, “Who’s taking care of our children?” When I […]

WO Testimony2016-10-12T22:30:19-07:00

Revelation’s Old Testament Feasts

(Revelation 1:9, 5)

On a barren island with no direction; a rover,

I saw perfect beauty in the Lord’s Passover…

(Revelation 1:16)

I’d heard it said that He’d been given for dead…

Then I realized, He was the Unleavened Bread!

(Revelation 1:18)

Stupendously shocked and near unbelief,

I saw the Lord risen as the true Wave Sheaf!

(Revelation 5:4-6)

I John, had believed that nearly all was lost…

When the Lord Almighty was fulfilling Pentecost!

(Revelation 7:9-12, 8:7)

With dizzying scenes I saw the saints triumphant!

Then I heard a sound, the voice of a trumpet!

(Revelation 10:10, 11:19)

I waited with nausea through a long postponement,

That lead to a day: it was the Day of Atonement!

(Revelation 21:1-5)

I long for […]

Revelation’s Old Testament Feasts2016-09-14T02:32:53-07:00

Presenting the 3 Angels Message in Daniel 1-6

This coming week, the 18th through the 23rd at 7 pm (2014), Pastor Daniel Mesa will be presenting a series entitled, “The Three Angles` Message in Daniel 1-6.

Pass the flyer along to anyone interested in visiting us in the Fresno, CA area!


Presenting the 3 Angels Message in Daniel 1-62017-02-08T19:08:34-08:00

Parallels between Revelation 12, 13 and 17

Oooooooh, look what I found at work today… =)

Parallels between Revelation 12, 13 and 17

Seven heads and ten horns (12:3; 13:1) Seven heads and ten horns (17:3)
Names of blasphemy (13:1) Names of blasphemy (17:3)
Woman (12:1) Woman (17:1)
Call for wisdom (13:18) Call for wisdom (17:9)
Nations, tongues, peoples (13:7) Nations, tongues, peoples (17:15)
Persecution (12:6, 13-15) Persecution (17:6)
Waters (12:15) Waters (17:1)
Waters dried up (12:16) Waters dried up (16:12)
Was (1260 years—12:6; 13:5) ‘Was’ (1260 years—17:8)
Is not (deadly wound—12:16; 13:3) ‘Is not’ (deadly wound—17:8)
Wound healed (12:17; 13:3) ‘Shall be’ (wound healed—17:8)
Beast & false prophet (13:1-18) Harlot and daughters (17:5)
Parallels between Revelation 12, 13 and 172019-04-29T16:18:23-07:00

Question regarding the Sabbath


Thank you for writing. You wrote:
I saw your video, & I believe it. I also know Jesus did not rebuke the disciples for picking on the Sabbath, corn, I think. The reason for this question is I went to my work & I asked if I could have every Saturday off. I felt I could not go into detail, but did enough for her to know why. She is a Christian, & I asked her did she want to know facts. She did not. I have one Saturday off a month, so she gave me 3 choices, neither would work. My question is, if we do worship, can we also work, or is working out. I know God rested, sanctified it Hallowed it, &I blessed it. Why did Jesus heal, & not rebuke the disciples? What do I do?

To be sure, God wants you to be […]

Question regarding the Sabbath2016-09-14T02:36:33-07:00

Matthew 16:28

“Can you please explain to me matt 16:28 as we studying with group.”

Hello _________________,

Thank you so much for contacting me from RevelationWithDaniel. =)

Good for you studying with others. Here are a few thoughts regarding the verse(s) in question:

Matt. 16:28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in His Kingdom.

Matt. 17:1 ¶ And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart,

Matt. 17:2 And was transfigured before them: and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light…

The same story can be found in Mark 9:1-13, and Luke 9:27-36.

Notice, in each of the references made by Christ about ‘seeing the Kingdom of […]

Matthew 16:282014-06-17T08:40:43-07:00

Running the Race

We are called to run the race… Learn this lesson:

Running the Race2016-10-12T22:30:23-07:00

7 Angels Dressed as Priests in Revelation 15

Hello again __________,

The significance of the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony being open in Heaven in 15:5 signifies a time frame: the time of the Day of Atonement. It was only during the DoA that anyone (specifically the high priest) would see that part of the temple. Yes, it is at the end of the DoA, but it is during that time when God sends out the seven Angels (the same time the four Angels will loose their holds on the winds in 7:1).

The “seven angels” appear 9 times in the KJV in the Revelation. Each time (in the trumpets of 8 -11, in Heaven during the time of the plagues in 15, on earth during the time of the plagues in 16, during the explanation of the judgment of the great whore in 17, and the blessed judgment of the bride […]

7 Angels Dressed as Priests in Revelation 152016-10-12T22:30:23-07:00

3 Woes Part of the 7 Trumpets?

Hello __________,

Regarding your last message about the last 3 woes being the first of the 10 (not just the seven) last plagues: I’ve never heard that before, and don’t believe the person you’re referring to has a strong foundation to stand on, as the book of Revelation is laid out structurally to support something differently. Here’s what I mean:

  • Chapter 1 has a picture of Christ followed by 7 churches.
  • Chapter 4-5 have a picture of Christ followed by 7 seals.
  • Chapter 8 has a picture of Christ followed by 7 trumpets.

The seals have an interlude between the 6th and the 7th seal.
The trumpets have an interlude between the 6th and the 7th trumpet.

The book of Revelation is laid out that way, I believe, showing how we ought to understand it.

Also, an amazing book called “The Great Controversy” on page 334-5 says, “In the year 1840, another remarkable […]

3 Woes Part of the 7 Trumpets?2016-10-12T22:30:23-07:00

The plagues of Exodus and the Revelation

Hello ____________,

Glad to hear you are studying this subject. I haven’t don’t a specific correlation study, because what I’ve seen is that people who take the OT plagues and apply them to the book of Revelation, have done it in a way that makes most of the book of Revelation look like it applies to the end as a future application. This is not how I study the Revelation, as it makes better than perfect sense to apply it in the past, present and future, as John does in 1:19.

Because the Revelation uses the term “seven last plagues” in 15:1 and 21:9, I will refer to the seven last plagues of the Exodus (though in the Revelation they are the last plagues this earth will ever have as well).

Egypt (Exodus)
The plagues of Exodus and the Revelation2016-10-12T22:30:25-07:00

Gluten Free Waffles!

I am a gluten freek… I can’t eat several things because of allergies, so here’s something I LOVE to eat, and my wife asked me to make it!

Forget just making it! Publish it!!!

You will need:

1 large bowl, a whisk, a waffle iron, a rack/place for cooling waffles, and something to pull toasted waffles from your iron.


Boil 2 cups or so of water.

Finely grind 1/2 c flax seed.

Add about 1 c water to flax and whisk until consistency of eggs. (May need to add more water.)

Then add:

7 c millet and/or corn and/or brown rice flour.

4 T baking powder.

1 heaping teaspoon salt.

1 can coconut milk.

6-7 cups water.

Whisk and bake in waffle iron.

Serve with your favorite fruit sauce thickened with non-GMO corn starch!


P.S. […]

Gluten Free Waffles!2017-02-08T19:10:04-08:00
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