The Fraudhead

PDF notes


The “counsel of peace” was between them both, which refers to the Father and His Son, as it reads in Zechariah 6:13 (see also Patriarchs and Prophets 34.1, and The Great Controversy 493.1). The enemy, satan, wanted to be “like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14). He wanted to be as the “Son of God” who had been involved in the plans of the creation of man (see Hebrews 1:1-2, and Ephesians 3:9).

The enemy, as a created son of God, was not allowed into the counsel of peace between the Father […]

The Fraudhead2020-06-29T07:43:11-07:00

Two Pastors (one non-trinitarian) Answer questions About the Holy Spirit

PDF Notes from Daniel Mesa

Pastor Daniel Mesa (a non-trinitarian) and Pastor Kenneth Jørgensen (a trinitarian) were asked a couple dozen questions about the Holy Spirit by Light Channel Ministry. Learn with us in the video posted below to understand more about the ways some pastors answer a few of the harder questions regarding this life-changing subject.

(Audio cuts out periodically in the video for Pastor Mesa due to a slower internet speed, so please ask questions if you have need for clarification.)

Two Pastors (one non-trinitarian) Answer questions About the Holy Spirit2019-10-04T11:56:15-07:00

Saturday or Sunday – Does it Matter?

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With God the Father as Creator through His Son, look at the first gift of time God gave to man.

Saturday, seventh day of the week; different theories explain name, including that it comes from the Latin Saturni dies, or day of the god Saturn, and that it was named Saturn’s-day by Babylonians after Saturn, one of the 5 planetary bodies known to them; Jewish Sabbath, or holy day; (Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia).

Friday, sixth day of the week; name derived from Frigg’s-day; Frigg (or Freya), the wife of the god […]

Saturday or Sunday – Does it Matter?2019-07-11T09:28:04-07:00

Song Lyrics for Your Creativity

Would you be interested to put these lyrics to music? I was asked if I could, but I thought it best to extend the invitation!

Oh what Love, Oh Love Divine
The Father gave His Son to die
To die for you and I, and give us life!
A life of joy, of joy sublime
To live and live throughout all time
Because the Son of God is yours and mine.

Oh thank you Lord, you died for me
Please take my heart, for Yours I want to be
You left Your Father’s throne above
Came to share Your life of love
You loved and died,
The death of mine own guilt
To offer me a life of mansions built.
Oh! Indeed what Love Divine,
The Son of God is yours and mine.

God gave His only begotten Son
Gifted whole Heaven, through the One
Oh what Love, Oh Love Divine
For you and I to live throughout all time
Because the Son of […]

Song Lyrics for Your Creativity2019-07-08T20:34:40-07:00

Ojos de Jehová

Notas PDF

Apocalipsis 10:14 él también beberá del vino de la ira de Dios, que ha sido vaciado puro en el cáliz de su ira; y será atormentado con fuego y azufre delante de los santos ángeles y del Cordero;

Génesis 6:8 Pero Noé halló gracia ante los ojos de Jehová.

  • “Deben tener su gracia, el Espíritu de Cristo, para que les ayude en sus flaquezas; de otra manera no podrían resistir al mal.” {CC 52.2}
  • Cristo ha provisto fuerza y gracia para que los ángeles ministradores las comuniquen a toda […]
Ojos de Jehová2019-07-03T17:22:22-07:00

What an Eye Opener! – With Robin Morgan

Hi Daniel.

Thank you for you quick response to my email. Thank you for the information you have offered.
My wife and I have learned a lot from watching your videos and those of Allen’s. It has only been within the last 12 months that we found that we were Tritheistic in our thinking and therefore Trinitarian. Wow!!! What an eye opener.
We were born and bred SDA’s but resigned from the church in the early 1990’s and have been home churching ever since. We hold to the KJB and the SOP only and now thanks to you and Allen we know the truth about God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. The truth on this has been staring at us in the books all our lives yet we still did not see it. I […]
What an Eye Opener! – With Robin Morgan2019-07-03T17:27:02-07:00

Angel Message a Life Changer – Lisa N

A woman stared at me while at an airport. I looked at her, nodded, smiled a bit, and turned away. She came up to me and asked, “Is your name Daniel Mesa?“ We talked for a good 30 minutes or so and I then shared some of the messages with her that I had just posted up on line ( Following, is her response:

“I still want to tell you what God communicated to me for the first time in all my years of being a sda when I watched the angel video 1 the first time I was watching it.

God spoke to me in almost a divine revelation and it […]

Angel Message a Life Changer – Lisa N2019-07-03T17:25:38-07:00

Christ on Earth and the Sanctuary

PDF notes

Christ was Inaugurated:

Acts 10:37 That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached;

Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

“I felt most intensely upon some points, especially the inauguration of Christ, on the banks of Jordan, to His appointed work. The dedication of […]

Christ on Earth and the Sanctuary2019-10-04T11:57:14-07:00

Allos in the New Testament

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160 times in 141 verses the word “allos” is used in the Greek New Testament. BUT, because most don’t speak Greek, we’ll use the English translations. =)

Why? Because we are at the Passover time. This is what Christ was speaking of 2,000 years ago…

The verse in question that uses the word allos is John 14:16,I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.” Believers in the one true God of the Bible (in light of John 17:3) believe […]

Allos in the New Testament2019-07-31T07:23:47-07:00

Does God Destroy?

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“God has given to men a declaration of His character and of His method of dealing with sin. “The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty;” Exodus 34:6, 7. “All the wicked will He destroy.” “The transgressors shall be destroyed together: […]

Does God Destroy?2021-10-12T03:37:11-07:00

Christ Formed Within, by Andrew White

Hello Again,

After finding that quote last night, “Those who do the words of Christ will perfect a Christian character, because Christ’s will is their will. Thus is Christ formed within, the hope of glory. { PH028 8.2 }” I did a search on “Christ formed within” which yielded 51 hits. Here are some of the highlights I found.

The hidden wisdom, which is Christ formed within, the hope of glory, is a wisdom high as heaven. ( The Review and Herald, July 18, 1899). { 6BC 1114.1 }

We want Christ formed within, the hope of glory. { GH December 1, 1899, par. 2 }
Catch the divine rays of light from Christ […]

Christ Formed Within, by Andrew White2019-07-03T17:27:57-07:00

The Next Level of Non-trinitarianism

Was truly blessed yesterday watching some angels sermons you gave! Look forward to digging into that topic more. Amazing.
I just had to pause and say WOW out loud when you explained that the reason the judgment so conclusively clears God of all possible doubt is because he has done everything through angel witnesses!
I have always wondered how God really is cleared by the Great Controversy because I thought mostly the “Holy Spirit” was doing everything and angels were just tagging along as best they could to get in on some of the action haha!
In a way I knew that couldn’t be true, but also I couldn’t see how it wasn’t true if that makes any sense. Now I am beginning to get the truth here. So exciting. This is […]
The Next Level of Non-trinitarianism2020-03-02T09:08:53-08:00

Holy Angels in the Plan of Redemption

PDF here

Angels can be Holy (though not necessarily)

Matthew 25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

Mark 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

Luke 9:26 For whosoever shall […]

Holy Angels in the Plan of Redemption2019-10-04T11:53:13-07:00

Angels and the End Times Testimony, by Dani Doina

“Praise God for this powerful and inspired message! I can see why this is so important to understand for the end times… may none of us find ourselves hardening our hearts against all that the LORD wants to reveal to us through His ministering angels sent to His servants. God bless you and strengthen you Pr. Daniel, as you continue to obey His voice and give the messages entrusted to you. You are in our prayers.”

Angels and the End Times Testimony, by Dani Doina2019-06-30T12:25:56-07:00

Pantheistic Idolatry, by Marie Alex

I watched this study last Sabbath and I have not been the same since. It is so eye-opening. I will restudy it again this weekend under a clearer eye and understanding. The first time sent had me in shock and ran me into my prayer closet for the full week. God revealed every word is true. Thank you!

As much as I love the Lord this study revealed I had an idol I had made up for myself, it also showed me I still believed in the third [being] of the Godhead without realizing it.I would recommend this study to anyone who is serious about their walk with the Lord.

I was so shocked I broke down in tears and ran into my closet. I had so many emotions running through me. I was in sackcloth and ashes for a full week repenting and pleading for […]

Pantheistic Idolatry, by Marie Alex2019-06-30T12:27:28-07:00

Testimony of the Angels, by Steve Porter

My name is Stephen (Steve) Porter. I believe in the seventh day Sabbath and I believe that the second advent of Christ is coming soon.

God sends His holy angels to minister to me. I have always known that, it just didn’t register in my head. I just thought the holy angels protected me from the unholy angels and that was about it. That’s one of their jobs. But there is so much more!

It has been about a year now that on just another evening of bible study that my good friend and his wife said they had something new to show me. It had to do with the trinity.

Testimony of the Angels, by Steve Porter2019-07-03T17:29:20-07:00

From an Unknown Area in Africa

In a part of Africa:

“I am fine but to be honest things are so bad here. There is insecurity, corruption, nepotism, favoritism and religious oppression going on here. A Muslim terrorist group called Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen have been killing Christians indiscriminately. I have graduated from the university since 2012 without a job. To survive has been like hell on earth.“

Please pray for so many people like this…

From an Unknown Area in Africa2019-07-03T17:30:18-07:00

The Faith of a Martyr in Preparation, by Evie Dunham

I just got this note from a friend, a believer in the true God:

“I feel whole heartedly I will see Christ coming in the clouds. I used to be terrified of the Sunday Mark of the beast time of trouble stuff, but God has changed my heart so dramatically that I now pray He allows me to be…. And I have no fear attached because I feel very grounded in Christ. It’s really very amazing how God can change dramatically the desires of one’s heart. I really love God… It’s so much of a different faith when you actually know God and Christ, it’s just amazing how everything… I mean literally everything in my heart and mind has changed. 💜 I just feel like I can’t get enough of God. I am ready to be hated […]

The Faith of a Martyr in Preparation, by Evie Dunham2019-07-03T17:29:55-07:00

I became an Adventist in 1971 – by Stephen Porter

Dear Mr. Mesa,
My name is Stephen Porter. My home is in Las Cruces New Mexico. I am originally from St. Paul Minnesota. I moved to the Buffalo area of New York in 2015 and married a Christian woman (a Baptist). We lived there for two and a half years before moving to New Mexico. We now visit New York, during the summer to visit her grandbabies.

I became an Adventist in 1971 while in the Marine Corps. I was selected to be the Chaplains assistant and the protestant chaplain was a Seventh-day Pastor named Harold Eslinger. He showed me the truth and I was baptized into the church. Much to the […]

I became an Adventist in 1971 – by Stephen Porter2019-07-03T17:31:06-07:00

Eyes of the Lord

PDF here

Revelation 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb

Genesis 6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

      • “They must have His grace, the Spirit of Christ, to help their infirmities, or they […]
Eyes of the Lord2020-04-09T06:41:37-07:00
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