Decide en este Día – Guias de EstudioRwD2019-07-29T09:50:32-07:00
Angie Chaverri November 5, 2021 at 3:19 pm - Reply
Thank you Pastor Daniel for this very valuable material in Spanish as well. This is what we need to spread the good news to the thirsty world! I appreciate you generated color and black and white versions, to use depending on the case. I love the color version of course, each one with a different beautiful background image! God multiply the blessings for you because of all this effort for his cause.
Thank you Pastor Daniel for this very valuable material in Spanish as well. This is what we need to spread the good news to the thirsty world! I appreciate you generated color and black and white versions, to use depending on the case. I love the color version of course, each one with a different beautiful background image! God multiply the blessings for you because of all this effort for his cause.
Praise God and thank you!